You are most welcome to this page, full of life giving programs we offer in Freedom Christian Life Ministries International. See which of our programs will help you and your family grow in Christ.
* Evangelism/Volunteers for Jesus Christ.
*Men of faith in action.
*Amazing Jesus women.
*Cfa Youth’s for Christ.
*Sheep’s Gate Children Department.
The Greatest is your backup (Psalm 9:9 -10 Prayers:-).
The Almighty God backing you up is greater than who is confronting or after you in the name of Jesus Christ.
The government and the power of His presence is established over your environment wherever you are as His child. Psalm 91.
You shall be delivered from all demonic restrictions as you live a holy life in Christ, believing solely in Him with an unwavering faith.
No power will succeed to rearrange your God given destiny. All ancient gates shutting your portion away from you will crash to pieces.
I decree and declare upon you total and permanent victories in Christ, you will not miss your time of visitation, neither will you miss your place in glory, Job:29:20. Your steps shall be ordered by the Lord.
All demonic triggers against you are disengaged, evil hands firing arrows against you are arrested and wasted, the Lord will mercifully grant you all round victories and open Heavens from henceforth in the name of mighty Jesus. Amen.
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